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Sunday, December 23, 2012



This incredible walled town has been built on the top a massive rocky outcrop within the Haraz Mountains of western central Yemen in a region known as the San‘a’ Governorate.  Its history is so ancient that not even the inhabitants can be sure when the first settlers arrived but it is officially said to date back to at least the 12th century. The houses themselves are fortified and feature substantial storage facilities such as granaries and cisterns in case of siege.

Secluded and remote, its culture and traditions have survived into the 21st century.  Al Hajarah literally means “Of (the) Rock”.  The lands surrounding the town are relatively fertile and the area receives sufficient rain to grow wheat, barley and grasses which support typical Arabian livestock such as goats, camels and horses.
 Strange Place - Al Hajarah


The multistory houses of Al Hajarah have evolved and been rebuilt over the centuries slowly and completely covering the upper section of the outcrop.   This has meant that by necessity the streets are narrow and some buildings seem to balance precariously on the edge of precipitous cliffs. Its inhabitants are said to be friendly with a passion for dancing and traditional music. .

Xuan Kong Si - China


The reason Xuankong Si was built so high above the ground may be one of practicality – defense against marauders or protection from floods.

  The more romantic version is that the Monks were dedicated to silence and so high above the ground they might achieve this ideal.  It is said that they were forbidden to hear the barking of dog, the wailing of a child or even the sound of a rooster crowing as it welcomed the dawn.

It is now largely a tourist attraction but caretakers are said to still live in its caves and halls.

There are five Most-Sacredmountains in China and Mt. Heng (Heng shan) located in Shanxi province is one of them.  Close to its base and overlooking the wooded Golden Dragon River (Jinlong he), is Xuankong Si, sometimes written as Xuan Kong Si, which literally translates as the Monastery in Mid Air.  It is more often called the Hanging Monastery.  Built in 491AD it still clings to the side of the cliff using engineering techniques that are still of significant interest to modern architects.  Horizontal shafts were first cut into the side of the mountain to serve as the anchor points. Strong lengths of hard wood cut from single trees were then driven into the holes.  The depth of the holes and the hardness of the rock provided a strong base. There are sufficient supports to ensure that if the crossbeams ever need to be replaced then one can be removed at a time without impacting on the structural integrity of the monastery.  It may be the first recorded instance of deliberate over engineering. 

This bizarre but beautiful place located in the ancient region of Anatolia in modern day Turkey may be one of the oldest examples of continuous human habitation in the world. It is an incredible example of how people have shaped and modified the already unusual geology and yet retained the natural mystery of its rocky spires and eye-twisting landscapes. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and there are records from the 6th century BC that describe it, even then, as one of the oldest regions of the Persian Empire. The best examples of this form of human habitation can be found in the town of Göreme where sandstone deposits have been eroded into hundreds of spectacular toadstool shapes.  In turn, these have been carved into by the inhabitants and turned into homes, monasteries, churches and even a police station. It currently has a population of 2,500 people and is one of the most famous historic tourist destinations in Turkey. 
 Strange Homes - Cappadocia - Goreme


While it is believed that the area of Cappadocia and Göreme has been inhabited by people for many millennia it was during the Roman period that it was significantly expanded by new settlers and Christianity became the dominant religion of the region for the next several hundred years. An interesting side note is that in German it is known as Love Valley - Tal der Liebe. the Romans are said have named it Ager (Agri) Phallus. Have a look at some of the other pictures of Göreme on Wiki Media Commons and you will understand why. Nature's Humour!

Roussanou Monastery


Since 1988 Roussanou Monasteryhas been the home of a small
group of nuns.

As with Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland there are rumored to be sealed caves carved into the stone under the building but, as yet, no excavations have been permitted. *The original brothers that founded the monastery are occasionally referred to as Nikodemus and Benedict.

The monastery consists of three levels which include the church, cells, guest quarters, reception halls and a display hall.

  It is truly a remarkable place that has to be seen to be appreciated. Sadly, the new road at the base does detract from the mystery.

In the heart of central Greece and on the edge of the Plain of Thessaly are the Metéora, which literally means the rocks suspended in air.  It’s from this word that we get the modern word meteors – rocks from outer space.  In reality they are pillars of harder than average sandstone that have survived the erosion of the softer material that once surrounded them.  Six religious retreats have been built on top of these pillars and one of the most famous is the Roussanou Monastery. It was rebuilt by two brothers, Maximos and Ioasaph (Joseph)*, in 1545 and dedicated to St. Barbara whose sacred day is the 4th of December.  Over the centuries its fortunes grew and faded.  From 1730 to 1937 it was largely uninhabited although many of its relics remained within its walls.  Shortly after the Nazi occupation of Greece in 1941 it was stripped of its treasures by the occupying soldiers.  Most of these have never been recovered. Since the construction of a wooden bridge in 1800’s it has been relatively easy to visit the location and the nuns are said to be quite welcoming.


It’s amazing how people have the ability to take even the most unusual of environments and still find a way to build their homes. Setenil De Las Bodegas is one such place.  Located in the Andalucía province of Spain it has a history that may date back many thousands of years. What makes it special is the way that its inhabitants have carved away the walls of the gorge and then built their houses into the recesses. These are not the ruins of Mesoamerican Native Indians or the abandoned caves of lost biblical civilizations. These are homes that have been built and rebuilt over the centuries and are still occupied to this day.  Outcrops of ancient rock loom over the main street that has been built beneath.  In one place there are houses that have a million tons of rock above them and on top of that rock there are even more houses.
 Setenil De Las Bodegas


In Setenil De Las Bodegas one persons’ basement – dug deep enough – is another persons’ roof. The village is a settlement that has slowly extended along the route of the Trejo River and may well still be occupied long after the newer cities full of brash lights and human arrogance have vanished.

Casa do Penedo


There have been several claims that Casa Do Penedo is a hoax created by a Photoshop artist but it is definitely real.

It has been featured on Portuguese television, in the British Daily Mail Newspaper and on countless architecture websites.

The closest village is Pereira which is 1.3 kilometres to the south.

 It is not a fake. 

Literally translated the name means House of Stone and it is located in the Fafe mountains of Northern Portugal.  It is ten kilometres north-east of Fafe and can be found on Google earth at these co-ordinates: 41° 29' 17.52" N  8° 4' 4.84" W.   It was originally built as a mountain retreat around 1974 by an engineer from nearby Guimarães who was inspired by the natural space provided by four large boulders.  Due to its isolation it has on occasions been the target of vandalism and robbery.   Its unusual design has also stimulated a steady traffic of tourists who are not beyond peering through the windows or even trying to enter uninvited.  At the time of writing this article (2010) it is owned by Vitor Rodrigues who has had to have heavy security doors and barred windows fitted to protect the house. The interior is larger than might be expected and is beautifully rustic with a large wooden bench-style table and balconies. 

In the city of Firenze (Florence) Italy is a remarkable bridge.  Known as the Ponte Vecchio, or the “old Bridge” in English, it spans the river Arno.  The bridge seen in the photograph was originally constructed in 1345AD after two of its predecessors had been destroyed by flood waters.  What makes it unusual is that it is one of the few surviving bridges to have tenanted shops built along its span.  Originally these were almost exclusively butchers, perhaps because of the direct access to the waters of the river and the ease of disposing offal and the like.  Over the centuries the shops and houses along the bridge were increased and so was its prestige.  In 1593 butchers were forbidden to sell on the bridge and the shops and houses were quickly taken over by gold and jewel merchants – a tradition that persists to this day. 
 Strange Ponte Vecchio


Although it was once the practice for people to live above their shops this has largely ceased although it is rumoured that some of the Ponte Vecchio shops still have small apartments hidden out of site of the many tourists and inhabitants of Firenze, Italy. The waters are calm but could you sleep if they weren't?

Matmata - Strange Caves


It is most likely that the early inhabitants already knew that underground homes were less affected by the extremes of temperature that can be experienced in this part of the world.

 The most famous of these dwellings is the Sidi Driss hotel featured in the image above, where it is still possible to spend a night for approximately 20 dollars. (2010) 


Located 355 kilometres to the south of Tunis (the capital of Tunisia) is the remarkable settlement of Matmâta.  Here the inhabitants have dug deep pits into the ground and then tunneled into the side walls to create their homes.  Not only is this site ancient and probably dates back to the Roman period and Punic Wars, its existence remained largely unknown until the mid 1960’s.  It truly came to the attention of the world when it was selected as the location for Luke Sky Walker’s home on the planet Tatooine in the Star Wars film – A New Hope (1977).   There are various legends to explain why the Berbers of this region started to build their homes in this fashion.  One is that it was to hide from the invading Egyptians and another is that they already existed to some extent and were the original caves of desert monsters that had long since departed. 

This very strange place to live and is often described as a micro-nation due to that fact that it is (was) outside of the territorial waters of any country.  Some reviewers have even awarded it the status of the World’s smallest sovereign state.  In fact, it is an old world War II Maunsell Sea Fort and is about 13 kilometres off the island of Great Britain.  The nearest coastal town of significance is Harwich located in Suffolk.  Major Paddy Roy Bates, an already famous figure in British pirate radio, occupied the platform during September 1967 with the intention of broadcasting Radio Essex from the site.  Since this date the micro-nation of Sealand has had an interesting history including an invasion, a hostage crisis, hashish smugglers, several leadership battles, the assassination of Gianni Versace, a passport scandal and a minor diplomatic crisis involving Germany. 
 The Principality of Sealand


The Principality of Sealand is currently the home of several caretakers while its de facto ruler, His Highness, Prince Michael (Bates) Regent of Sealand, currently resides in Essex. (2010)

Sealand has, in the past, produced its own passports and currency.  It has even been represented in various international sporting events.  You don’t get much stranger than this.

John o' Groats - Duncansby Head - Strange


It is believed that the town’s strange name, John o' Groats, came from Jan de Groot (John the Big) in or around 1486 after he was awarded the right to operate the ferry to the nearby Orkney Islands. Another version claims that John took his name from the "Groat" (fuppence), a coin that was roughly worth seven pounds in today's money that he used to charge to for a journey to the outer islands.

Duncansby Head lighthouse is almost the most northern point of the Island of Great Britain and is located 2.5 kilometres from the tiny town of John o' Groats.  The town itself is famous for the same reason and is considered to be the furthest point from land’s End in Cornwall. These two towns, if joined by a straight line represent the furthest linear distance on the British Isles and it is not uncommon for people to drive, cycle and even hike from one to the other – a distance of approximately 1,350km if you take the most direct roads.  During the summer months John o' Groats and its striking cliffs is a beautiful destination, if slightly run-down.  However, during the winter months it is harsh and unforgiving place to live.  Snow and thick fogs are common and the town becomes becomes deserted except for its 300 or so residents.


We live on one small planet floating amongst trillions of stars and yet it still has countless barely known places that inspire our souls and intrigue our minds. This is our second collection of very strange and wonderful places that our very own Earth has to offer.


The tessellated pavement of Eaglehawk Neck in Tasmania. Strangely ... created by nature and not by man. The dogs of the infamous "Dog-line" were described as the most ugly and evil-tempered found anywhere in the world.
 The tessellated pavement of Eaglehawk Neck
Located near the southern end of Tasmania, Eaglehawk Neck is a thin stretch of land which links two Islands and is remarkable for two reasons. It is the World’s finest (surface-level) example of a Tessellated Pavement and is also credited as the place where the notorious “Dog Line” was first invented. The indented slab formation is a geological feature caused by the erosion of fractures in the rock. The same area was also once a crossing place for escaped criminals that had been deported from Britain to Tasmania. To stop escaped convicts crossing this 200 metre wide strip of land the local military commander deployed nine ferocious dogs – each chained so that that they could nearly reach each other but couldn’t actually fight. Convicts that tried to cross the neck would find himself within range of two of these half-starved monsters. Only three people ever made it past the dogs. (Image credit: Noodle Snacks: Wikimedia Commons)

The Polar Lights of Bear Lake 


The Polar Lights. This is a real picture taken near Eielson Air Force Base. A Finnish belief from ancient times was that the lights were caused by the “Fire Fox” or “Revontulet” sweeping its tail through the snow. Credit: Snr. Airman Joshua Strang of the USAF.
You will find Bear Lake in the borough of Fairbanks North Star in the American state of Alaska. While the Lake itself is beautiful it is also the place from where a person can often see the incredible celestial display known as the Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis. Literally translated the name means - Dawn Winds.
This phenomenon has been recorded for thousands of years (Pliny). Legend is that the lights were caused by Aurora - the Roman Goddess of the Dawn - who flew across the night sky to foretell the rising of the Sun. Many legends refer to the dance of the lights and Vikings are said to have believed that they were Valkyrie taking the souls of dead warriors to Valhalla. Scientists believe that they are really caused by solar winds as they collide with the magnet field that encompasses the Earth.


Champagne Pool in the Wai-O-Tapu geothermal reserve located near to Rotorua on the North Island of New Zealand.

This remarkable image is accredited to Christian Mehlführer of Vienna - Austria.
 Champagne Pool in the Wai-O-Tapu geothermal reserve
Part of the Wai-O-Tapu geothermal complex located near Rotorua on the North Island of New Zealand, Champagne Pool is one of the most striking natural wonders. The brilliant orange ledge is actually formed from arsenic deposits and the gasses that rise and sparkle like champagne are carbon dioxide released from the water vents. Translated from the Maori language, Wai-O-Tapu means “Sacred or Colourful Waters”. The entire region of Rotorua is intensely active and Champagne Pool is just one of the hundreds of strange geological features that have been formed by the action of water, steam and subterranean volcanic energy. Translated, Rotorua means The Second Great Lake of Kahumatamomoe who was the uncle of the Maori lord Inhenga who discovered the lands.

The Badlands Guardian - Indian Head Google Earth 

From the air its uncanny resemblance to a either a Native American Medicine Man or an Egyptian Pharaoh has caused much speculation and debate with each theory wilder than the one before.
This is yet another strange geological feature discovered by users of Google Earth. From the ground the Badlands Guardian appears unremarkable and is merely a collection of small grass covered ridges and valleys.Often described as a Native American wearing a traditional headdress it has caused controversy since its discovery due to what appears to be an audio plug in its ear. Located near the town of Medicine Hat and the village of Walsh in Southern Alberta, Canada it is known as the Badlands Guardian. Although the formation is approximately 70 million years old the earphone is a new addition and is reputed to be either a natural gas or oil well. The actual location was visited in 2006 by TV News Watch Reporter Dale Hunter who interviewed local residents who, up until that time were unaware of its existence. It’s probably just a strange geological feature caused by erosion but who knows for sure. A competition was held to name the face and Cypress County Council selected “Badlands Guardian”. The discovery is credited to Lynn Hickox of Saskatchewan Province, Canada..

The Mushroom Rock of the Egyptian White Desert is considered to be one of the finest examples low-level wind erosion in the world. 
 The Mushroom Rock of the Egyptian White Desert
At one time in pre-history this part of the Sahara Desert was deep underwater and deposits of chalk built up over the millennia. Today, this region near the oasis of Farafra, is above sea level and the wind has eroded the ancient lime and chalk deposits to create a bizarre and beautiful landscape in a truly White Desert. (Sahara el Beyda) The actual region is 45 kilometers north of Farafra and has become a popular tourist destination that is also close to the Black Desert and the Crystal Mountain. Still, many irresponsible tourists light fires against these ancient rocks causing them to fracture and at certain times of the year after key religious festivals the area is littered with refuse. This wonderful image is accredited to Hathor 13 of Wiki Commons. After years of petitioning by leading figures in the world of conservation and archaeology it has now been identified as a protected natural reserve but it appears that this has barely limited the ecological damage that careless tourists are causing to the area. Like so many natural wonders that exist for us to see it may be that all our children will have is the digital images our cameras take today.

Salar de Uyuni 


Salar de Uyuni is almost entirely lacking in visible wildlife . While there is an abundance of water it is undrinkable and in geological terms it is an also a desert. However, during the wet season the lake becomes home to the pink flamingo which feed on the short-lived pink algae. 
At 4,085 square miles in size Salar de Uyuni is the biggest “salt flat” in the world. What is even more remarkable is that it is over 3,500 metres above sea level and is the world’s most important future source of Lithium containing as much as 70% of all known reserves. It is also incredibly flat and people have been known to experience a form of vertigo and visual disorientation when looking across this vast and desolate vista. It covers a lake said to be up to twenty metres deep and was once part of a vast lake some 40,000 years ago before the effects of a series of Ice ages changed the topography. The Aymara, the indigenous people of the Western Andes have a legend that the Salar (Salt Flat) was created when the Giantess Tunupa and her baby were abandoned and cried so that her tears mixed with breast-milk creating the lake. As such, there is a local movement to have the area renamed Salar de Tunupa. This remarkable image displayed above is accredited to Luca Galuzzi (2007) - a truly extraordinary photographer from Italy.


A picture of the perfect volcanic cone of Pu'u 'O'o taken in 2007 which has subsequently collapsed leaving this image as a remarkable record of a short-lived but dramatic moment in time. Photo: USGS - United States Geological Survey.
 Pu'u 'O'o geo-magmatic vent
Located in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is the Pu'u 'O'o geo-magmatic vent. At the time of writing (2009) the Pu'u 'O'o eruption has been taking place sporadically for over a quarter of a century. During this time it has produced more than 3 cubic kilometers of lava that have re-buried 117 square kilometers of the islands surface. Some of the lava flows from this vent have managed to travel 12 kilometres before plunging into the sea. Even as we write this article (16 December 2009) we’ve just discovered that Kilauea is erupting again and the plume is visible from space and completely obscures the Pu'u 'O'o crater. This is one of Hawaii’s most energetic volcanoes and has provided scientist with some of the most important insights into the relatively new science of volcanology.

The Big Hole of Kimberley - South Africa 


The enormous labour involved in excavating 22 million tons and the, often forgotten, loss of life makes this more than equal to the human effort put into the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza which is estimated to weigh only 6 million tons.
Created by 19th century diamond miners, it is still widely believed to be the biggest hand-excavated hole in the world as it also once had a hill above it. The first diamonds were discovered in 1871 on the De Beers farm near the town that is today called Kimberley. Within months thousands of prospectors had arrived to unearth the gems. Over the next 43 years more than 50,000 people would discover nearly 3,000 kilograms of diamonds. In total, it is estimated that using nothing more than picks, shovels and miners buckets they displaced more than 22 million tons of earth and rock. At its deepest point it was nearly a quarter of a kilometer in below ground level. After mining became too dangerous and unproductive in 1914 the Big Hole was partially filled in with rock from other excavations and water has since accumulated to a depth of 40 metres. (Image is accredited to Irene (2005) Wikimedia Commons.)


Uluru / Ayers Rock - Australia. Many of the Anangu legends feature snakes and reptiles and one in particular refers to the “Sleepy Lizard Women” that distracted even the spirits and sound remarkably like the sirens of western folklore. 
 Uluru / Ayers Rock - Australia
Located in the Northern Territory of Australia, Uluru is a massive outcrop of eroded red sandstone (inselberg) that towers above the surrounding region. The name derives from the local Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara peoples, the Anangu, and is a sacred place for both groups. There are many myths and legends surrounding the origin and purpose of the formation. One source claims that it is the physical embodiment of the Turtle Spirit. It is reputed to be very bad luck to take away any stone or part of Uluru. There are apparently many reported cases of people who have gone to great lengths to return items that they once took. Geologically Uluru is many millions of years old and has numerous caves and small fountains. It is estimated that the area has been inhabited for more than 10,000 years and examples of ancient rock paintings can still be seen in some of the caves. (This image is accredited to Bo-Deh (2005) Wiki Commons.)

lake Nyos - Killer Waters 


Known as "The Lake that Killed." The outgassing of carbon dioxide was so large that it lowered the level of the lake by over a metre and turned the water to the colour of blood. 1,700 people died within two hours.
The real name of this place is Lake Nyos but the locals now call it “Killer Lake” or “The Lake that Killed” - a well deserved name. Located in a crater on the flanks of an inactive volcano the extremely deep waters lie above a pool of magma that slowly leaks carbon dioxide. It’s part of the Oku volcanic configuration and is located in the north-west region of Cameroon. In 1986 a vast bubble of carbon dioxide mixed with sulfur and hydrogen spewed to the surface. In total, 1.6 million tonnes of this lethal gas spread over a huge area - reaching 23 kilometers away from the source. Hugging the ground this deadly and near undetectable concoction swept over villages and small towns. Approximately 1,700 people and 3,500 farm animals were killed within two hours. Survivors experienced long-term side effects including lesions, soft-tissue burns and respiratory illnesses. (This image is accredited to the USGS - United States Geological Survey).


The mystery of the lost city of Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions. Was it real or just myth. Here are the basic facts.

Lost civilizations really still exist. New discoveries are happening even as you read this. Places like the Nazca Lines Google Earth can now be clearly seen. New cities have just been found in the Amazon. Just because we haven't found Atlantis doesn't mean we never will.

If you are genuinely interested in the story of Atlantis then the only place to start is the source - the writings of Plato and the stories of Timaeus and Critias.
 Poseidon - Father of Atlantis

An Atlantean symbol of power and kingship 

When you remove the gods, the parables and the sociological interpretation from the text you are left with the following key points.
  • Solon (638 BC–558 BC) was a famous Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and Lyric poet who allegedly heard the story of Atlantis from Egyptian priests that he was visiting that claimed that the Athenians had forgotten their true history because from time-to-time their civilization had been largely destroyed by catastrophes.
  • The Egyptian priests referred to the “Declamation of Heavenly Bodies”, meaning meteorites, which cause devastation on the planet. -----The Egyptian priests understood that from time-to-time there were serious natural catastrophes that involved fire and water (from which they had been largely immune). They attributed these to the actions of the Gods
  • A war once took place between the Athenians and the Atlanteans The Athenians apparently came from Athens.
  • The Atlanteans apparently came from an island beyond the pillars of Hercules (Straights of Gibraltar)
  • The war took place 9,000 years before the time of writing which was approximately 2,500 years before today – so in effect 11,500 years ago.
  • Atlantis was allegedly an island greater in size than Libya and Asia combined.
  • Atlantis was eventually destroyed by an earthquake.
  • The Athenian Gods were at peace with each other.
  • The story had been forgotten by the Athenians because of a great deluge whereby only the illiterate people of the mountains had survived.
  • Solon inferred that the event took place before the time of Theseus.
  • At the time the Athenians ruled a land from the Isthmus (of Corinth) to the heights of the Cithaeron (a mountain range in what is today central Greece) and Parnes. Oropus was the boundary on the right and the river Asopus the boundary on the left.
  • The Athenian land was fertile and able to support a great army.
  • Many floods had taken place during the 9,000 years prior to the recording of the story.
  • Many of the cliffs surrounding this (Athenian) land had been eroded and fallen into the sea. Many of the woods that once existed have disappeared. The land was less eroded and less rainfall was swept into the sea.
  • The climate was more temperate.
  • The Acropolis was larger and surrounded by soil and not the outcrop of rock it is now.
  • They had Gymnasia.
  • There were once more springs that disappeared after an earthquake.
  • The Athenians were healthy, beautiful people that were well prepared for war.
  • Poseidon was patron and God of Atlantis. (God of the sea and earthquakes)
  • Atlantis was an Island with a small mountain at its centre with fertile plains surrounding it.
  • The central mountain had rings of water surrounding it.
  • Water flowed from underground - some hot, some cold.
  • Crops flourished in the fertile soil.
  • Poseidon’s first child (born on Atlantis) was named Atlas and the ocean around the Island was named Atlantic.
  • From beyond the Pillars of Hercules the lost city of Atlantis controlled islands and lands as far as Egypt.
  • They had extensive trade with other countries.
  • Orichalcum (an unknown red coloured metal or alloy possible a mixture of copper and gold) was common on the Island.
  • The Island was well forested.
  • There were a great number of elephants on the Island.
  • The Island had chestnut trees.
  • The City / island existed long enough for many rulers / kings to develop it.
  • The lost city of Atlantis had a canal from the sea to an inner lagoon.
  • Three kinds of stone, one red, one black and one white were quarried on the Island of Atlantis.
  • They used brass to cover their dwellings and brass, tin and orichalcum to cover the outer walls of their cities.
  • Poseidon’s temple at the centre had a barbaric appearance and the roof (interior) was made of Ivory.
  • In the temple there was a statue of the god in a chariot.
  • The lost city of Atlantis made use of private and public baths and then saved the water for use on their fields.
  • The later docks had Triremes and many naval supplies.
  • The Island had cliffs on most sides but was otherwise a plateau with a small mountain at its centre and mountains to the North.
  • The North of the Island had high and beautiful mountains.
  • The plain featured a circular ditch (canyon) of such size (a 100 ft in depth) that it could not have been manmade.
  • The military had war chariots.
  • They benefited from winter rains.
  • Their shields were small.
  • The land was divided into ten kingdoms each with its own city.
  • No King was to ever make war on another Atlantean King.
  • This rule lasted for a great time but in the end the Kings became victim to mortal desires and sins.


Ancient Electricity - Myth or Reality?

The proposal is simple.  Some historians and independent researchers believe that ancient civilisations were much more technologically advanced than is commonly accepted.  Specifically, they believe that some sectors of society had access to electricity and used it for both practical and religious purposes. 

Here are the top ten contenders for the existence of ancient electricity.  The electric catfish and the cat fur and amber effect are well recorded and not in dispute.  The Coso Artefact is almost certainly the misinterpretation of evidence.  As for the rest ... well they're open to debate.

There can be no doubt that ancient civilizations were aware of static electricity even if they may not have fully understood it. They also appreciated the godlike power of lightning and must have been curious to observe this effect replicated in miniature when the fur of a cat was rubbed against certain materials in a darkened room.  The effects of static electricity were first recorded by a Greek philosopher, Thales of Miletus, who lived between  624 BC and 546 BC.  He is said to have experimented with amber, which the Greeks referred to as Elektron, and cat fur to create an electrical discharge as well as magnetism. From this observation a simple machine consisting of two spinning disks, one covered with leopard fur and one coated with glass or amber could be connected to gold axles and foil strips which would produce an electrical charge capable of generating sparks several inches in length.  
 Cats fur and amber electricity generator
By spinning the disks in opposite directions a static electrical charge could be transferred to the gold foil strips to create visible sparks.

Electric Catfish
The Knife Fish of South America is capable of delivering between 500 - 600 volts of electricity. The Nile (Electric) Catfish, Malapterurus Electricus, is capable of delivering approximately 350 volts. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons: Steinhart Aquarium - Photographer: Stan Shebs - 2005. 

Although it looks like an eel, Electrophorus Electricus is actually a Knife Fish that is able to generate and deliver significant electric shocks of up to 600 volts. The ancient Egyptians referred to an electric catfish, Malapterurus Electricus, as the "Thunderer of the Nile" which indicates that they had already made the connection to storm-related atmospheric discharges - lightning. According to various sources the Greeks and Romans were familiar with these creatures and may well have bred them in captivity. Historic records show that they were certainly farming many other types of exotic fish both for food and for amusement. Scribonus Largus, a physician at the court of the Roman Emperor Claudius (c.47AD), is reported to have written that these 'torpedo fish' could be used to treat a wide variety of ailments. They were used to numb the feet of gout sufferers as well as those suffering from persistent headaches. If this is true then this is the first recorded use of shock therapy. As recently as 2009 doctors in Boston have been successfully experimenting with electric currents to block migraines.


In 1938 the Director of the National Museum of Iraq, Wilhelm König, discovered a number of curious terracotta pots in the archives.  Each one was approximately 13 cm in height with a capped 3.3 cm opening at the top.  Each pot contained an open-ended copper cylinder and inside this was a small iron rod. These artefacts strongly resembled simple galvanic batteries and in 1940 König published a scientific paper proposing that these objects may well have been used to generate electrical current which could have been used for electroplating objects with either gold or silver. Mainstream archaeologists continue to doubt this theory even though reproductions using lemon juice as an electrolyte have been proven to work and no other sensible explanation exists for the iron and copper contents.  The pots are likely to have been created during the Sassanid Period (224 AD - 640 AD). The debate continues.
 Baghdad Battery

Discovered in the archives of the National Museum of Iraq in 1938. Believed to have been originally excavated in 1936 in the village of Khuyut Rabbou'a. Capable of generating between 0.75 and 1.1 volts.

Pharos / Alexandra Lighthouse

The lighthouse survived from 247 BC to 1303 AD when it was severely damaged in an earthquake. By 1408 it was simply a pile of rubble which was then used to build a medieval fortress by Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qa'it Bay, the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, which remains standing today. It is possible to still visit Q
aitbay Castle.

Considered to be one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, construction of the 130m tall Pharos Lighthouse probably began around 280 BC on a small island just off the coast of Alexandria, Egypt. Originally commissioned by the Macedonian general, Ptolemy Soter who became ruler of Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great, it was completed during the reign of his son Ptolemy Philadelphos. Today the island of Pharos has become part of the mainland and shields a natural harbour. The building was erected to house a brilliant light to assist ships to find the port at night. Historic reports claim that the light could be seen nearly thirty miles out to sea and that it housed a beam so bright that could blind sailors and burn enemy ships. This has given rise to the theory that only an electrical arc lamp and a huge concave mirror could have created this effect. Proponents of this theory admit that the source of the power is a mystery but that an electric light is the only possible explanation for the extraordinary intensity of the lamp.

Within the Temple of Hathor, which is part of the Dendera (Tentyra) Temple Complex in Egypt, are a series of carvings that many people believe depict the sophisticated use of electricity to generate light. Items identified are as follows: an arc light lamp (horizontal) several upright lamps, lamp socket, arc light flicker (snake) electric cables, an isolator and even a large upright battery.  If historians and archaeologists believed that the Egyptians from this period used electricity then this would probably be considered a classic example.  A further point that is often overlooked is that Hathor was a goddess who is usually shown with a sun disk suspended between two horns exactly like the reflecting mirror of an arc-lamp - even the dimensions are optimal. Although the equipment in the images may seem obvious it should also be noted that many historians, archaeologists and Egyptologists strongly deny that the images are anything more than the representation of a fertility rite based on Egyptian mythology. Proponents of the 'lights' theory are often dismissed as fringe scientists while mainstream Egyptologists are often accused of hiding behind conveniently concocted myths and retentive thinking. Both groups seem certain in their beliefs. 
 Dendera Lights - Temple of Hathor

The picture above is not the best representation but is the only one available on Wikimedia Commons. From the point of view of the proponents of the 'lights' theory the beam can be see emerging from the lotus flower socket. A cable appears to run from the battery via the isolator to the lamp. Under the light are people engaged in activities made possible by the illumination. The snake is often referred to as a lamp filament but, if the lights are real, is more likely to represent the flickering of the arc light. There are other pictures on the internet that are even more suggestive and it is worth reviewing them if you are interested in this subject. Real or imagined - you decide?

The Abydos Machines

Top Left: Helicopter, Top Right: Hovercraft
Centre Right - High: Airship / Dirigible
Centre Right - Low: Satellite
Bottom Right: Spaceship / Jet Fighter

Roughly 450 kilometres south of Cairo is the ancient city-complex of Abydos.  It is widely considered to be one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt although for some quite differing reasons. Mainstream Egyptologists recognise it as the site of the Osiris and Isis cult while proponents of ancient electricity believe it holds definite proof that ancient civilisations were significantly more advanced than historians will acknowledge.  The reason for this is that within the Hypostyle Hall of the Temple of Seti I there are a series of carvings that clearly depict modern aircraft, particularly a helicopter and dirigible. Mainstream archaeologists claim that they are merely a coincidence caused by over-carving while proponents of ancient technology state that this is actually misleading and that attempts to recreate the over-carving effect have been less than conclusive.  In addition, they point out that the coincidence required to produce these images is staggeringly unlikely. 


The area around the town of Olancha in California, America, is popular destination for 'rock hunters'  and attracts both professional and amateur geologists.  On Monday the 13th February 1961 three geode collectors, Wallace Lane, Mike Mikesell and Virginia Maxey discovered an interesting specimen which Mike Mikesell took home and cut in half with a diamond edged saw.  Inside the specimen he discovered what appeared to be an off-white ceramic cylinder with a small metal core running through the centre - in short, a sparkplug. According to Ms. Maxey the specimen was examined by a professional geologist who estimated that the casing was at least 500,000 years old.  The identity of the geologist has never been revealed. The discovery caused significant controversy with some experts claiming that the rock was nothing more than a 'concretion' of rust and localised fossils.   Perhaps because of the controversy the finders refused to further display or discuss the artefact after 1969.  The location of the artefact is currently unknown as are the people who found it although it is believed that Lane passed away in 2008. 
 The Coso Artefact
(Probably a case of mistaken identification)

Named after the Coso Mountain Range where it was found above the Owens Dry Lake on the edge of Death Valley.
X-rays of the Coso artefact revealed additional pieces that the Spark Plug Collectors of America identified as parts of a 1920’s spark plug or something similar.

Temple Lights of Venus / Isis
(The quotation from St. Augustine's book
The City of God, Book XXI, Chapter 6:)

" ... that there was, or is, a temple of Venus in which a candelabrum set in the open air holds a lamp, which burns so strongly that no storm or rain extinguishes it, and which is therefore called, like the stone mentioned above, the asbestos or inextinguishable lamp."
Aurelius Augustine was born in North Africa in 354 AD and spent much of his early life dedicated to passionate pursuits, philosophy and academic studies.  At the age of 32 he became a Christian and after some time in Rome he journeyed to  Hippo Regius (near modern day Annaba) in Tunisia where he was persuaded to become first a priest and later Bishop of the town. He remained an academic at heart and was one of the most prolific writers of his time. In his work, City of God, (book 11 chapter 6) he describes a temple in Egypt dedicated to Venus (Isis) in which there is a lamp that requires an asbestos base  and  is completely unaffected by the weather. The correct translation is under the picture to the left. It worth pointing out that some websites misquote this passage to emphasise the argument while others suggest that Augustine himself visited the temple.  In fact, Augustine was referring to books written by earlier travellers.  However, the story is intriguing and was considered relevant enough to be selected as an example by the Bishop. St. Augustine suggested that the lamp might have been the work of corrupted men or even a resident demon.


According to the Old Testament, which records the history of the Abrahamic religions, God summoned Moses to  Mount Sinai (Horeb) and gave him the Ten Commandments inscribed on two tablets of stone .  This list of divine laws specified the way in which the people were to live their lives.  Five of these laws form the basis of all modern legal systems.  To store the stone tablets the people of Moses built a chest according to specific instructions provided to them by God.  This was to be the Ark of the Covenant and since its construction there have been countless references to its 'power' such as its ability to part waters,  to destroy buildings such as the walls of Jericho and to emit beams of light sometimes referred to as the power of God.  Based on descriptions found in the Old Testament a number of researchers now believe that the wings of the cherub may have acted like an arc lamp or as two electrical charged poles that could induce a sense of the divine.  This proposal was recently featured on the Discovery Channel's Myth Busters programme and found plausible. 
 Relief of the Ark of the Covenant
Said to have extraordinary powers. May have been and arc lamp. Featured in Episode 29 of Mythbusters, a Discovery Channel programme first broadcast on the 23rd March 2005. The Ark of the Covenant has been lost for many centuries and may have been removed from the Temple of Solomon during the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in 587 BC. 

Sumerian Golden Artefacts

It is fair to point out that there are techniques that can mimic electroplating. The first is electro-deposition which is possible without an electric current and the Tumbaga process that involves the production of a seemingly pure gold object even though it has a high percentage of copper.  To achieve this the surface copper is oxidised and dissolved leaving only a gold coating which is polished into a plated surface.

Over the centuries a number of artefacts ranging from coins to small religious statues have been discovered with very thin coatings of gold or silver that is typical of modern electroplating techniques. In 1938 Wilhelm König, the Director of the National Museum of Iraq, discovered a series of small objects that strongly suggested the use of electroplating using electrical current rather than the less effective electrochemical process.  Several small vases dating from 2,500BC appeared to have been electroplated and were kept at the Baghdad museum.  In 1851 archaeologist August Mariette claimed to have found electroplated objects at a dig near the Sphinx in Egypt. In 2006 Stefano Natali and Giuseppe Giovannelli of the University of Rome discovered a coin that had been deliberated plated with silver around 250 BC  to create a forgery. A number of pre-Columbian golden artefacts show traces of plated surfaces. There are undoubtedly many more items in the collections of the great museums that may well turn out to have been electroplated rather than solid gold or silver items.  
Human history is a vast subject.  It took Edward Gibbon 17 years to research and write his famous work, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.  It was published in six volumes and contains more than 1.5 million words.  Naturally he wasn't impressed when critics believed his views were distorted by his possible paganism.

In general, history is a factual subject that can be fixed in place to create solid foundations upon which to build a picture of times gone by.  However, if something doesn't fit the existing jigsaw, one that has taken centuries to establish, then it is often ignored. What if someone discovered that the Battle of Hastings had actually taken place in 1067 instead of 1066? What if Benjamin Franklin turned out to be a British spy and documents surfaced to prove that George Washington was actually a Royalist supporter?  Beliefs and ideologies are based on perceptions of history and if those perceptions are wrong then maybe the ideologies are too.  It's because of this that historians from every culture are very reluctant to engage with ideas that might turn established history upside down.  Ancient Electricity is one such subject.

Believers cite a growing list of evidence that they claim should be reviewed with an open mind - something they claim is missing in formal academic circles. Unfortunately, real discoveries such as the Antikythera mechanism can get lost in enthusiastic theorising that is unrestricted by peer group evaluation and original research.

Traditional historians and archaeologists refute the evidence as misinterpretation and a desire to see things that simply aren't there.  They quite often use disparaging terms such as 'pseudo-science' and 'fringe elements' which isn't helpful to anyone.   They also tend to put their efforts into smug debunking rather than re-evaluation.



To start this section we've researched the most pervasive mysteries and listed them below based on the number of internet searches conducted in 2011 together with other factors such as their popularity in the media. It makes interesting reading. Here's the top 100.
UFO'S:Unidentified Flying Objects
Atlantis:A mysterious island of ancient wisdom now lost.
Aliens:Intelligent life from beyond the Earth. Real or not?
ESP:Extra Sensory Perception. The power of the mind.
The Illuminati:A secret organisation that allegedly rules the World.
Vampires:Undead humanoid creatures that drink blood.
The Rosetta Stone:The secret to forgotten languages.
Voodoo:Strange and disturbing magic from the Caribbean.
Deja vu:The feeling that you've done the same thing before.
Ghosts:Spirits of the dead that are still here to haunt us.
The Yeti:The original half-man half-ape from the Himalayas.
Nostradamus:Wisest of soothsayers and prophets or just a fake?
Area 51:America's best known secret air force base.
Bigfoot:The USA's version of the abominable snowman.
The Great Pyramids:The greatest monuments ever built - but how?
The Sphinx:Egypt's most famous ancient statue - but how old?
Men in Black:Secret US organisation to investigate aliens?
Doppelgangers:People identical to you - sometimes real ... maybe.
The Mayan 2012 CalendarAn ancient stone that predicts the end of the world.
Machu Picchu:Inca palace hidden at the top of a mountain.
Stonehenge:Ancient and strangest of all megalithic stone circles.
Bermuda Triangle:Strange Caribbean location where things disappear.
Rasputin:Russian mystic who was almost impossible to kill.
The Chupacabra:Savage and mysterious beast from Puerto Rico
Crop Circles:Circles in the fields - evidence of aliens or hoax?
The Holy Grail:The missing cup of Christ and source of immortality.
The Succubus & Incubus:Lustful female and male demons after your body.
The Salem Witches:The most infamous witch trials in American history.
Werewolves:Half-man half-wolf, a fearsome occult beast.
Astral Projection:travel through time and space
The Loch Ness Monster:Scotland's famous serpentine (lake) loch monster.
Stigmata:Strange religious wounds that just appear.
Crystal Skulls:Carved from crystal - said to have strange powers.
Levitation:Mind power that can let you fly (or at least float).
The Mothman:Half-man-half-moth and an omen of disaster.
The Knights Templar:Priest, soldiers, bankers and a mysterious society.
Lost City of Petra:The abandoned ancient city of the Nabataeans.
Telekinesis:The ability to move objects using only your mind.
The Tunguska Event:A cataclysmic explosion over Russia - still a mystery.
Alien Abductions:Humans taken by aliens and used for experiments?
Telepathy:The ability to read minds and see beyond the usual.
The Turin Shroud:Possibly the death shroud of the Jesus Christ.
The Flying Dutchman:Most famous of all the ghost ships to haunt the seas.
The Man in the Iron Mask:Was this sad prisoner really the King of France?
The Ark of the Covenant:The great chest of the ten commandments - missing!
The Bible Code:A secret code hidden in the bible and rich in wisdom.
The Jersey Devil:Strange flying monster from New Jersey, America.
The Nazca Lines:Giant and ancient geoglyphs visible only from above.
The Montauk Project:Time travel, secret bio-weapons bases & monsters.
Missing Faberge Eggs:Priceless Russian treasures lost in history.

Flimmern GeistsFlicker Spirits - Now you see them now you don't
King ArthurGreatest British king or just a myth
Easter Island StatuesGiant statues - but why?
The Bermuda TriangleWhere everything just vanishes
Bilderberg GroupSecret power brokers or just a social club?
Kruger's Missing GoldThe lost gold of President Paul Kruger
Ancient ElectricityEvidence that the ancients had electricity
D B CooperJumped from a plane with stolen millions
Mars FaceIs the face on Mars just an illusion or evidence of aliens
Amber roomThe missing Russian treasure room
DowsingCan sticks really find underground water
Spontaneous CombustionCan humans really just burst into fire?
Mu / LemuriaLost worlds
Mass Missing PeopleWhere do all the missing people go?
ZeitgeistsSpirit guides
Roanoke ColonyThe disappearance of an entire pioneer colony
Ley Linespowerful lines of natural energy
Dover DemonStrange beast and herald of doom
Hindenberg DisasterWhat really happened to the Giant Airship
Hessdalin LightsStrange lights in the sky over Norway
Great Flood / Noah's ArkA huge flood that might have really happened
Taos HumStrange humming in Taos New Mexico
The Oracle of Delphi Prophecies from ancient Greece
The Eye of AfricaThe strangest of all natural formations
Marfa LightsParanormal encounters on Route 67 near Mitchell Flats
EctoplasmGhostly goo and gunk from paranormal encounters
El Dorado / PaititiLost cities of Gold
The Purple SapphireA very dangerous gemstone
Antikythera MechanismSophisticated ancient mechanism and first computer
PoltergeistsUnruly ghosts
Zeta ReticuliAn alien exchange programme
Suspended AnimationSleep away the years - does it exist already
Amelia ErhardtThe disappearance of the most famous female aviator
Dyatlov Pass AccidentRussian Tragedy in the
Piri Reis MapAn impossible Map
Voynich ManuscriptMysterious book written in a secret language
Copper ScrollThe oldest list of hidden treasure
Roswell UFOThe most famous alien encounter
Fountain of YouthLive forever
Coral CastleAmerican megaliths made from Coral limestone
Philadelphia Experiment Early stealth technology that warped time
The Oak Island Money PitPossible treasure pit on Oak Island never fully explored
The Marie CelesteThe mysterious abandoned ship
King John's  TreasureThe missing treasure of a 12th century British king
The Ninth LegionA entire Roman legion just vanishes
Curse of King Tut's TombWas there really a curse on the tomb of King Tutankhamen
Beast of Bodmin MoorMany people say a wild beast roams the moors of Cornwall
Secrets of the Dollar Everything about the US Dollar is just mysterious
Majestic 12Secret society to investigate UFO's
Strange RainsFrogs, nuts and money have all rained down from the Sky
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